Children’s Dentistry

We recommend taking children to the dental practice from the moment the first tooth emerges. The first visit will be when the periodic check-up of the parents takes place. It is very important to make the visit to the dentist as pleasant as possible for every child. We try to do this as best as possible with jokes, distractions, but above all patience and a lot of attention.

Make an appointment

    Regular dentist
    Master of root canal treatments
    Master of root canal treatments
    International team
    More than 30 years of experience

    The first dental visit

    This first visit is short and actually meant to be a familiarization visit. This involves building a trusting relationship between your child and the dentist.

    We always advise the father or mother, to give the toddler alone with the assistant so that the dentist can deal with the toddler one-on-one and he or she gets all the attention alone.

    Prevention and information visit

    Over time, habituation visits are extended to a prevention and education visit. Prevention will focus on how to avoid getting cavities.

    Tandartspraktijk van Mill


    It is also important to have an orthodontic checkup done in time to begin any necessary correction early. This may prevent the need to extract (pull molars) later in life due to lack of space.

    What patients

    say about us

    Shiro Hanh Hoang

    “It was a pleasant experience and I was lucky enough that they were able to save my tooth. Professional, friendly, calm, with a sense of being in the hands of experts.”

    Melanie Vraser

    “All my life I have dreaded visiting the dentist. I have been a patient at Dental Clinic Van Mill for 5 years now and these days it’s something I look forward to.”

    Erik Bruis

    “I believed my teeth could not be saved. Masato and his team have helped me enormously. I have no more pain and finally, I have my life back.”

    Rates /

    Costs vary by treatment and may be partially or fully insured. The rates are set by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa), commissioned by the government. Would you like to know more about this? Then read on.

    Fear of the dentist?

    We make every effort to make your visit painless and as pleasant as possible. We make sure you can relax properly. Want to know how we do this? Then contact us now. Our assistants will be happy to assist you.

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